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How to write killer content

writing content


You might think that writing content is about making your website sound exciting and helpful, but in fact, it’s more than that. It’s also about your visitors feeling like they’ve found the right place for them, which means you need to give them what they want.

What do people looking for good information online usually want? They want to learn something new or be entertained. And how can you use this knowledge to drive traffic? You should write blog posts on topics relevant to your niche while also adding some humour or entertainment value. Combine these two factors with a compelling headline and a call-to-action button at the end of each post, and you’ll have a recipe for success!


What is content?

As a business owner, you know that content is key to marketing your products or services. But what is content, and why is it so important?

Content is anything you put out into the world representing your business. This could be a blog post, a video, an image, or even just a tweet. Whatever it is, it needs to be high-quality and helpful for your audience.

One of the best things about content marketing is that it helps you build relationships with your customers. When you provide valuable content that solves their problems, they’ll start to see you as an authority in your field. And when they’re ready to buy, they’ll come to you first.

There’s content on the internet for everything. Building valuable and relevant information will help your business succeed, and content marketing is a great way to do it. There are lots of ways to keep up with content and share it with your audience:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Newsletters
  • Infographics
  • …the list goes on!

While the content itself is crucial, the value lies in the relationship you can build with your customers by being a source of valuable material. High-quality, intelligent, and helpful content brings people to your website and helps you grow your business.


Why is content important?

Content is one of the best ways to connect with your audience. It helps you build trust and credibility with your customers, and it can also help you attract new customers and boost your website’s SEO. Content also enables you to establish yourself as an authority in your field, making it easier to sell products and services. Finally, content is valuable because it helps you stand out from the competition.

When I talk about high-value content, I mean what people look for when they search Google (which means more traffic for your website). It’s also one of the top ways to get your audience to interact with you or subscribe to your email list, leading to long-term business growth.

Your content can also be useful to your readers, which will make them more likely to share it with their friends and colleagues.

For example, if you run an online shoe store, you might write a tutorial about waterproofing walking shoes or making high heels more comfortable. Your article might get shared on Facebook by someone who has back pain and needs to know how to make high heels more comfortable. You don’t even have to be the one who shares your own content – you could just as easily share an article that someone else wrote, which brings us to our next point…

The best kind of content allows other people to share it. So, when you think about it like that, it’s evident that content is vital for your business to grow. However, it can sometimes be challenging to regularly develop great ideas for new content.


How to come up with killer content

Trying to create high-quality content is easy at first. You’ll have some ideas about topics you think are interesting. But are they of interest to your audience?

For example, suppose you sell high-quality sweaters, and you decide to write an article about how cashmere is made. That might be interesting to you, but will your audience care? Ultimately, they want to know why they should buy a cashmere sweater over, say, a wool one. So, an article exploring the pros and cons of each material will be of more interest to them.

The best kind of content solves a problem or teaches something valuable to your readers as it provides them with information they can use. It also needs to be something that people want to share because it’s worth reading, and they want to help others by passing it along.

All of that’s great, but how do you know what your audience wants to know? There are a few ways:

  • Talk to your sales team. Ask them which questions customers always ask when they first speak to them.
  • Do research. Look at posts in your industry that are already doing well on social media and find out why they’re so successful.
  • Talk to your users or customers. You can use surveys, interviews, feedback forms, email marketing, etc.
  • If you have a customer support department, ask them about customers’ problems when they phone.
  • Use an online tool like Answer The Public to discover the questions people ask Google about your industry.

Once you’ve gathered all that information, you should have enough ideas to start writing content, so go and write some, you crazy content beast!



People used to search Google using a couple of keywords, but nowadays, everyone writes complete questions. And Google’s job is to understand the intent of the asker then supply relevant links to the information they want.

So, if your blog titles match that search question, you’re more likely to show up in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Then people will click the link to your blog, and, voila, they’re on your website.

So, if you adopt the approach of being the teacher, your audience will start to trust you and your business. They’ll start reading your content and sharing it with their friends, family, and colleagues. Your traffic will grow. And you’ll be on the road to providing valuable information that boosts SEO results.


The Copy Surgery can help you with all the content you need to get your business known by your audience.

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